Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Beginning of the PC(Program Counter)

Activity 26:
The book has the PC(program counter) as being the next activity so that is what I am going to do. With this one I have a data in and then load, inc, and reset. The inc is to change the output and the load and reset changes the input.

The thought proses.
1)if load is true then load data
2)if reset is true the rest the PC
It wont matter if load is true if rest is true because only one can excute and once because if you sent both their would have to be a rule on which one got excuted first and that may complicate things.
3)if inc is true then output gets +1;
I am using a register to hold the data the question is to tell it to rest or load new data.
I am going to work with just rest for now then move on to the next issue.

I have change it to work with load first because I think reset just works on the output.
The more I think about it the load just gets inputted into the register.   
Now I am going to work with just the output.

I have it set up the way I think it should be but it’s throwing an error saying that if all is 0 but for increment I should still get a 1 the second time around. I am not fallowing this logic.
So after reading the forums and reading my old HDL code I am still confused I think I will need to draw out the PC in actual schematic or pseudo code even though the book does say this

 * A 16-bit counter with load and reset control bits.
 * if      (reset[t]==1) out[t+1] = 0
 * else if (load[t]==1)  out[t+1] = in[t]
 * else if (inc[t]==1)   out[t+1] = out[t] + 1  (integer addition)
 * else                  out[t+1] = out[t]

I know what that means in c but I am not sure what that means in logic gates and hardware.

I belie MUX are just like if then statements but what direction should they flow because I am going to need more than one.


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